St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Outreach Ministries

Outreach Ministries

Local Outreach

Because we believe that everyone should have a place to rest, to be quiet, and to pray, our Sanctuary is open 24/7/365 for all to come, to rest, to pray, to meditate, to quietly be in the presence of God. Please feel free to come in and just be or join us for worship if the community is gathering. The Narthex (lobby) restroom is always available.

We support the ACTS Food Pantry (Acme Christian Thrift Store and Food Pantry) through collecting food, collecting monetary donations, and spreading the word about their ministry.

We collect hundreds of pounds of rice for donation to ACTS each year! One pound bags of white rice can be dropped off in the Narthex (the entry way) to our church at any time. We also collect personal care/hygiene items and laundry detergent (any variety) for delivery to ACTS as well. Seasonally, we also collect school supplies, winter gear, socks, and other items for our seasonal outreach efforts — come to a Sunday Eucharist to hear about seasonal outreach efforts.

In October 2022, St. Paul’s partnered with Harm Reduction Michigan to place up to forty-eight doses of Narcan® (naloxone) nasal spray in a white metal “newspaper” box on the front lawn of the church. This box is available 24/7/365 and contains free doses of naloxone nasal spray for anyone to take whenever they are in need. This life-saving drug can quickly reverse the effects of an opioid overdose, which can happen to anyone taking an opioid (the most common type of prescription pain relievers). An overdose can happen regardless of whether the opioid is used for prescribed reasons or for non-medical uses. Even someone who has been taking opioid pain relievers for a long time can experience an accidental overdose if their medical situation changes. If you’d like to learn more about how naloxone works, how to administer it, or how to recognize the signs of an overdose, Fr. Derek highly recommends the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Service’s 10-minute Interactive Training.


Regional Outreach

Because we believe that no one individual or group has all the gifts that the world needs, we proudly support others who are using their gifts to improve the world. Especially, we support the PoWeR! Book Bag Program and the Outreach Ministries at Grace Episcopal Church in Traverse City, MI. In particular, our Priest-in-Charge serves as the Outreach Coordinator for Grace’s Jubilee Outreach Ministries that includes Jubilee House, a home, during the day, where the unhoused can rest, use the bathroom, take a shower, watch TV, access the Internet, do laundry, store personal belongings, and so much more. To signup to volunteer at Jubilee House, please contact Fr. Derek.

Further, we support the ministries of the Episcopal Diocese of the Great Lakes.

We provide hundreds of wash cloths, socks, and hand warmers each year to Safe Harbor (the overnight shelter for the unhoused in the greater Traverse City area) to be distributed to those experiencing homelessness.

The Afghan Migrant Ministry Program brings refugee families from Afghanistan and helps them settle in the area around Grand Traverse Bay. We continue to support this ministry and help provide much-needed funds to support our newest neighbors. Donations can be directed to go to this ministry either through a check made out to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church with a memo indicating that it is for the “Afghan Migrant Ministry” or through our online giving page.


National/Global Outreach

We support Red Dirt Road and their efforts to bring clean water, and functional sanitation systems, to areas with historically low water quality. Our donations to his ministry have included the funds to build nine latrines in remote villages.

We also support the outreach efforts of the Episcopal Church and the work of Episcopal Relief and Development. Through Episcopal Relief and Development, we sent monetary aid to Ukraine for refugee support and to support those who remained in Ukraine during the recent Russian-Ukrainian war.