Fr. Derek J. Quinn
Fr. Derek was born and raised in Portage, MI. He attended Ferris State University in Big Rapids, MI and graduated with an Associate of Science (cum laude) and a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. After graduation, he returned to Portage/Kalamazoo and practiced as a Pharmacist for thirteen years. Then, he went to the University of the South in Sewanee, TN for seminary. Upon graduation with a Master of Divinity degree, and having been Ordained a Deacon on 24 April 2022, and then as a Priest on 29 October 2022, Fr. Derek came to St. Paul’s to serve as our Priest-in-Charge as well as being the Associate Rector for Outreach at Grace Episcopal Church in Traverse City. Fr. Derek enjoys reading, especially Science Fiction and Fantasy, video games, especially role-playing games, and studying languages (although he only speaks English, he has taken classes in Latin, Japanese, Biblical Greek, and Biblical Hebrew).
Fr. Derek is regularly in the office Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday most weeks. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for an appointment.
231.492.0724 Mobile
Music Director
Don Sharpe
As music director and organist, Don delights us with high quality organ and piano accompaniment as we sing praises to the Lord.
Parish Administrative Assistant
Don DeWalt
Don is a cradle Episcopalian who has been involved with the Church over the years in many ways. He has served as an Acolyte, a Vestry member, Convention Delegate, Convocation Council Representative, Seminary student, Junior Warden, and Senior Warden. So, in addition to keeping the office running smoothly, he is an invaluable and knowledgeable resource that helps to keep the whole church running smoothly.
He and his wife, Desiree, were married in July 2023 and he then moved to the Elk Rapids area. He is a dog person with a 3-year old Boxer named Kaline, and a 6-year old Lab Mix named Remy. He enjoys The Blues, in all its forms, from classics to the modern; and, he is a film buff. Come into the office for a chat any time — he can talk about movies until he is blue in the face! And that goes double for the old Japanese monster films such as “Godzilla,” “Mothra,” and “Rodan.” He also loves to discuss the Church. He enjoys hearing opinions and having discussions about what we as Episcopalians are doing well and what we could stand to improve upon. He believes the most powerful statement he has ever heard is “if it’s not about love, it’s not about God (Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Michael Curry).”
He is in the office every week day from 9am to 12noon, so please do not hesitate to stop in and say hello!
Your Vestry
Bev McCamman (Senior Warden) — Class of 2025 (Second Term)
Tim Burch (Junior Warden) — Class of 2025 (Second Term)
Kathy Larkin — Class of 2025 (First Term) — Senior-Warden-in-Training
Dick Saul — Class of 2025 (First Term) — Junior-Warden-in-Training
Martha Scarborough — Class of 2026 (Second Term)
Ellen Welch — Class of 2026 (First Term)
Nancy Kline — Class of 2027 (First Term)
Clerk of the Vestry: Cindy Burch
Delegates to Diocesan Convention 2025
Kathy Larkin
Bev McCamman
Endowment Board
Susan Sweet — Class of 2025
Dick Saul — Class of 2026
Ellen Welch — Class of 2027
Tim Burch — Class of 2027
Bev McCamman, Senior Warden, ex officio